Il 15 agosto 2017 sarà il giorno del lancio di Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition, una riedizione sviluppata da Screaming Villains in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario del gioco, uscito originariamente nel 1992 su SEGA Mega CD. Anche questo titolo è caratterizzato da una serie di trofei, obiettivi necessari per completare il titolo nella sua interezza. Di seguito la lista completa (per ora in inglese).
Lista Trofei di Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition
Trofei Bronzo
Who Did It? Get both endings in Scene Of The Crime. |
1992 Complete the game with the 1992 layout. |
1993 Complete the game with the 1993 layout. |
1994 Complete the game with the 1994 layout. |
Party! Watch Megan give her entire performance. |
Video Game History “Shame On You” |
Nah You Wouldn’t….. …But You Would. |
Deleted Scene #1 Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #1. |
Deleted Scene #2 Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #2. |
Deleted Scene #3 Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #3. |
Perfect Timing Don’t trap Swanson. |
Trapper Trap 500 Augers. |
Deleted Scene #4 Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #4. |
Junior Reach Round 30 in Survivor. |
2017 Complete the game with the 2017 layout. |
Trofei Argento
You Were Revamped Perfect. Complete the game without missing an Auger using Revamped Icons. |
You Were Very Good Complete the game without a perfect score. |
Collector Unlock all Production Images/Stills. |
Lieutenant Reach Round 40 in Survivor. |
Full Motion Video Rental Unlock every video in Theater. |
Awesome Trapper Trap 1000 Augers. |
Trofei Oro
Commander Reach Round 50 in Survivor. |
You Were Retro Perfect. Complete the game without missing an Auger using Retro Icons. |
This Is Your New Favorite Movie Get all 6 endings. |
Perfect Retro Game Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Retro Icons. |
Perfect Revamped Game Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Revamped Icons. |
Master Trapper Trap 1987 Augers. |
MA-17 Nobody makes it out alive. |
Trofeo Platino
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for playing Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition! |