Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition – Lista Trofei

Il 15 agosto 2017 sarà il giorno del lancio di Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition, una riedizione sviluppata da Screaming Villains in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario del gioco, uscito originariamente nel 1992 su SEGA Mega CD. Anche questo titolo è caratterizzato da una serie di trofei, obiettivi necessari per completare il titolo nella sua interezza. Di seguito la lista completa (per ora in inglese).

Lista Trofei di Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition

Trofei Bronzo

Who Did It?
Get both endings in Scene Of The Crime.
Complete the game with the 1992 layout.
Complete the game with the 1993 layout.
Complete the game with the 1994 layout.
Watch Megan give her entire performance.
Video Game History
“Shame On You”
Nah You Wouldn’t…..
…But You Would.
Deleted Scene #1
Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #1.
Deleted Scene #2
Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #2.
Deleted Scene #3
Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #3.
Perfect Timing
Don’t trap Swanson.
Trap 500 Augers.
Deleted Scene #4
Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #4.
Reach Round 30 in Survivor.
Complete the game with the 2017 layout.

Trofei Argento

You Were Revamped Perfect.
Complete the game without missing an Auger using Revamped Icons.
You Were Very Good
Complete the game without a perfect score.
Unlock all Production Images/Stills.
Reach Round 40 in Survivor.
Full Motion Video Rental
Unlock every video in Theater.
Awesome Trapper
Trap 1000 Augers.

Trofei Oro

Reach Round 50 in Survivor.
You Were Retro Perfect.
Complete the game without missing an Auger using Retro Icons.
This Is Your New Favorite Movie
Get all 6 endings.
Perfect Retro Game
Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Retro Icons.
Perfect Revamped Game
Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Revamped Icons.
Master Trapper
Trap 1987 Augers.
Nobody makes it out alive.

Trofeo Platino

Happy Anniversary!
Thank you for playing Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition!


Antonio Loparco
Antonio Loparco
Videogiocatore sin da piccolo, ho iniziato ad addentrarmi nel mondo videoludico con Amiga600. Pian piano ho provato varie piattaforme fino all'acquisto della prima PlayStation che è rimasta da sempre la mia console preferita.


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