Attraverso una nota ufficiale, Remedy ha annunciato ufficialmente i remake dei primi due capitoli di Max Payne, usciti originalmente per PlayStation 2.
I remake di Max Payne 1&2 sono ufficialmente realtà!
Stando a quanto dichiarato, i remake arriveranno sulle console di attuale generazione incluso il PC, ed il tutto sarà finanziato da Rockstar Games.
Di seguito delle prime informazioni ufficiali sul progetto:
“Under the development agreement signed today, Remedy will develop the games as a single title for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S using its proprietary Northlight game engine. The game’s development budget will be financed by Rockstar Games, the size of which will be in line with a typical Remedy AAA-game production. Under the agreement, Remedy has a royalty opportunity after Rockstar Games has recouped its development, marketing, and other costs for distributing and publishing the game.
The project is currently in the concept development stage.
The relationship between Remedy and Rockstar Games dates back to the original release of the critically acclaimed Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne games, developed by Remedy and published by Rockstar Games. Both games left an indelible mark in popular culture, lauded for their neo-noir atmosphere, groundbreaking storytelling and “bullet-time” gunplay.”
Per maggiori informazioni sulle dichiarazioni rilasciate da Rockstar e Remedy, vi rimandiamo alla news di Gematsu.