Durante il Tokyo Games Show, il team White Owls ha annunciato ufficialmente Hotel Barcelona, nuovo titolo capitanato da Swery 65 (Hideataka Suehiro) insieme a Goichi Suda.
Il nuovo titolo di Swery 65 e Suda 51 vi aspetta nel 2024!
Al momento non sono state rilasciate informazioni in merito alla sua uscita, ma il titolo è attualmente atteso per il 2024 su PS5.
Di seguito delle prime informazioni;
Hotel Barcelona is the long-awaited collaboration between game design legends Swery65 and Suda51, and our Xbox Digital Broadcast brought us a never-before-seen gameplay trailer from the self-styled “2.5D slasher film parodic action” game. Drawing influences from across horror’s history, you’ll be pitted against everything from alien entities to AI-enhanced sharks, all while stuck in an endless time loop filled with serial killers – and only your deceased past selves to help you.
Both Swery and Suda appeared in the show to discuss the game. Swery discussed the game’s unusual beginnings—with Suda asking him to announce a collaboration on the fly, with no prior discussion—and his inspirations from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Suda explained that he and Swery worked on the initial concept together—“Then, all of a sudden, Swery completed tons of work on the development, and Hotel Barcelona materialized. Most of the time, when someone does lip service like that, the project never materializes… But Swery made this project a reality in order to deliver something to the fans.”
In allegato il trailer.
Buona visione!