Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales – nuovo screen ufficiale e nuove informazioni a riguardo


In giornata attraverso un intervista, Sony e Insomniac Games hanno rilasciato un primo screen e delle nuove informazioni su Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, in arrivo a fine anno in esclusiva su PS5.

Nuove informazioni e primo screen per Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales!

Di seguito le informazioni a riguardo:

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is set in the winter one year after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man. Miles’ home neighborhood of Harlem is on the verge of being torn apart by a war between an energy corporation and a criminal organization armed with advanced technology.

This is a full arc for Miles Morales that started in Spider-Man, Horton told Entertainment Weekly.
We really are completing this hero’s coming of age in our game. It is a complete story.

When we started crafting it, we realized that, with a little bit more of a compact storytelling style, we could tell a very emotionally impactful story that would fit really well as an experience that would take Spider-Man 1 and [Miles Morales] and do justice to this character.

While Miles will be training with Peter to hone his Spider-Man skills, he is “his own Spider-Man” with unique animations, movements, mechanics, and powers such as bioshock and invisibility, which also act as metaphors for his ‘hero’s journey.’ While Peter Parker’s hero story “was born out of tragedy,” Miles Morales’ story is “more so born out of family. What I think is really compelling about Miles as a character is he has friends that he could actually let into his world—his human world and his Spider world. He’s a little different in the way he approaches it.”

In allegato lo screen ufficiale:

Francesco Suozzo
Francesco Suozzo
Appassionato di console sin da bambino, ha cominciato la sua carriera da videogiocatore con l'intramontabile PlayStation One e tanto tempo ci vorrà prima di attaccare il DualShock al muro. Predilige con maestria quasi tutti i generi videoludici, eccezion fatta per i puzzle game. Ha un debole per JRPG e RPG ed è un malato di Final Fantasy e Metal Gear Solid.


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