Attraverso una nota ufficiale, THQ Nordic ha annunciato ufficialmente il rinvio per Alone in the Dark, reboot della saga in arrivo per PS5.
Alone in the Dark slitta anche lui nel 2024!
Inizialmente programmato per il 25 ottobre, il titolo ora arriverà il prossimo 16 gennaio 2024.
Di seguito la nota rilasciata;
“Our intention is to avoid competing with the wake of Alan’s epic release and to evade the dazzling skyline of cities adorned by the graceful swings of Spider-Man.
We aim to truly remain as Alone in the Dark as possible.
To honor this, the spine-chilling horror game has been rescheduled to unveil its horrors on January 16, 2024.
This extension will serve a dual purpose: not only will it permit us to meticulously perfect the gaming experience, but it will also grant us the opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in the remarkable releases of October.”