Watch Dogs: Legion – annunciata la data d’uscita


Durante l’Ubisoft Forward, la compagnia ha annunciato la data d’uscita di Watch Dogs: Legion, rilasciando anche un corto e un nuovo gameplay trailer.

Watch Dogs: Legion arriva a fine anno!

Stando a quanto dichiarato, il titolo arriverà su PS4 il prossimo 29 ottobre 2020, mentre “Coming Soon” le versioni next-gen.

Di seguito delle prime informazioni ufficiali sul titolo:

It is time to take back London, and anyone you see in this iconic city can be recruited to your resistance. Corrupt opportunists have taken over and it’s up to you to build a resistance to give the city back to the people. With an entire population of potential recruits and the city’s technology at your fingertips, you’ll need to hack, infiltrate, and fight your way to liberate London. Welcome to the Resistance.
Key Features

Key Features

  • Play as Anyone – Build a team with a huge range of characters to choose from, all bringing their own unique abilities. From a brilliant hacker to a getaway driver, from a football hooligan to an inconspicuous old lady, everyone has a unique backstory, personality, and skillset that should be used in unique situations. Customize your Legion with enhanced gadgets, unique outfits and iconic masks.
  • An Immersive Story – After a mysterious assailant initiates devastating terror attacks on London, DedSec, a secret underground resistance who is being blamed for the attacks and is on the brink of annihilation, needs your help. Your mission is to rebuild DedSec to fight back against those who wish to keep London oppressed. You will continue to meet colorful characters along the way – both villains and allies – in your fight for London.
  • Hacking is Your Weapon – Weaponize London’s tech infrastructure, and unleash DedSec’s mastery of technology: hijack armed combat drones, reconstruct past events using augmented reality to discover who is behind the terror attacks, and hack your way through the most advanced security systems. Upgrade and deploy tech gadgets such as the Stealth Cloak, the Spiderbot, a Micro-Missile Launcher, and the powerful Electro Fist in a brand new melee system.
  • Liberate an Open-World London – Explore a massive urban open world and fight to liberate London’s many famous landmarks—including Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Camden, Piccadilly Circus, or the London Eye—and engage in side activities like bareknuckle boxing, darts, freestyle football, illegal courier contracts or street art.
  • Team Up with Friends – Join forces with up to three friends in online multiplayer as you freely explore London together or take on special co-op missions, and unique game modes. Enjoy free regular updates adding new online content, rewards and themed events.

In allegato i nuovi trailer rilasciati.
Buona visione!

Cinematic Trailer

Gameplay Overview Trailer


Francesco Suozzo
Francesco Suozzo
Appassionato di console sin da bambino, ha cominciato la sua carriera da videogiocatore con l'intramontabile PlayStation One e tanto tempo ci vorrà prima di attaccare il DualShock al muro. Predilige con maestria quasi tutti i generi videoludici, eccezion fatta per i puzzle game. Ha un debole per JRPG e RPG ed è un malato di Final Fantasy e Metal Gear Solid.


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