The 25th Ward: The Silver Case – annunciato l’arrivo in Europa


Pochi secondi fa NIS America ha annunciato ufficialmente che The 25th Ward: The Silver Case, che arriverà in Nord America e Europa nel 2018.

The 25th Ward: The Silver Case arriva in Europa nel 2018!

Di seguito trovate le prime info sul gioco:


It is been five years since the events of 1999’s The Silver Case, set in the new 25th Ward that arose in the bayside area of Kanto. In a room of the “Bayside Tower Land” apartment complex, a woman is found murdered under mysterious circumstances. This sets off a series of seemingly random events bridging across multiple protagonists including The Silver Case’s Tokio Morishima. With all viewpoints assembled, a truly shocking pattern emerges…

Key Features

  • A Suda 51 Trip – Set in the “Kill the Past” universe, the series continues its bleak look into a semi-futuristic world on the edge of collapse and the misfits and antiheroes that inhabit it.
  • Brave New World – The return of the signature “Film Window” system is brought to The 25th Ward for the first time! New visuals, sounds, and controls capture the game in a fresh perspective.
  • One Story, Many Sides – Explore this dark take on Tokyo from three different perspectives, “Correctness,” “Placebo,” and “Matchmaker

Francesco Suozzo
Appassionato di console sin da bambino, ha cominciato la sua carriera da videogiocatore con l'intramontabile PlayStation One e tanto tempo ci vorrà prima di attaccare il DualShock al muro. Predilige con maestria quasi tutti i generi videoludici, eccezion fatta per i puzzle game. Ha un debole per JRPG e RPG ed è un malato di Final Fantasy e Metal Gear Solid.


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