Street Fighter V – annunciata ufficialmente l’Arcade Edition


Poco fa Capcom ha annunciato ufficialmente la versione “Arcade” di Street Fighter V, versione aggiornata del titolo base in arrivo il prossimo 16 gennaio 2018.

Capcom annunciata la versione Arcade di Street Fighter V

Di seguito trovate le prime informazioni:

“Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will include everything from the original release of Street Fighter V, along with the addition of brand new gameplay-related content including Arcade Mode, Extra Battle Mode, Gallery, New V-Triggers, a completely redesigned User Interface and more. Current Street Fighter V players will also receive all of this new content for free via an in-game update when Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition releases. In North America and Europe, the new version will be available physically and digitally on PlayStation 4 and as a digital download on Windows PC.

Current players of Street Fighter V and future owners of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will be placed into the same player pool, with PS4 and PC cross-platform play continuing to unite fans into a unified player base. The initial Street Fighter V purchase is still the only one that consumers need to make to ensure they always have the most up-to-date version of the title. All of the post launch gameplay content, such as the DLC characters in Street Fighter V, is earnable completely free of charge through completing various in-game challenges and receiving earned in-game currency, called Fight Money. For those who just can’t wait to unlock each piece of new content, content can also be obtained instantly using purchased in-game currency.”

Key Features

  • What’s Included: Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will include everything from the original Street Fighter V release, plus all Season 1 and 2 Character Pass content, which includes 12 playable characters and 12 premium costumes.
  • New Modes and Features: In addition to the main game, the following content will be included in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition: and will be available as a free update to existing Street Fighter V players beginning on January 16:
    • Arcade Mode – choose from six different paths themed after classic Street Fighter games.
    • Gallery – unlock hundreds of illustrations as you play through Arcade Mode.
    • Extra Battle – complete timed challenges to obtain exclusive costumes throughout 2018.
    • New V-Triggers – each character will have two V-Triggers, adding even more depth to the combat system.
    • New Visuals – the user interface is being redesigned with new color schemes, revised menus and exciting
      pre-and-post-fight effects.
  • New Challengers: The original roster of 16 fighters is joined by 12 new challengers from Season 1 and 2, bringing the current roster count up to 28. The 12 additional characters are not available for free to current Street Fighter V players, but can be accessed using earned Fight Money or purchased in-game currency.
  • PS4 and PC Cross-Platform Play: Current players of Street Fighter V and future owners of Street Fighter V: ArcadeEdition will be placed into the same player pool, with PS4 and PC cross-platform play continuing to unite fans into a unified player base.
  • Stay Updated – The initial Street Fighter V purchase is still the only one that consumers need to make to ensure they always have the most up-to-date version of the title.


Francesco Suozzo
Appassionato di console sin da bambino, ha cominciato la sua carriera da videogiocatore con l'intramontabile PlayStation One e tanto tempo ci vorrà prima di attaccare il DualShock al muro. Predilige con maestria quasi tutti i generi videoludici, eccezion fatta per i puzzle game. Ha un debole per JRPG e RPG ed è un malato di Final Fantasy e Metal Gear Solid.


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