Resident Evil 3 – nuove informazioni da PlayStation Official Magazine UK


Grazie all’ultimo numero di PlayStation Official Magazine UK, veniamo a conoscenza di nuovi dettagli per Resident Evil 3 , remake del terzo capitolo della saga, in arrivo il prossimo 3 aprile 2020

Nuovi dettagli per Resident Evil 3!

-Nemesis will use an improved version of the AI developed for the Tyrant of Resident Evil 2 Remake.

-Sound will be very important in a city like Raccoon City, you will have to rely on it to anticipate dangers lying in wait around the corner.

-Confirmation that we will visit the streets, the shops, the Stagla petrol station, the Raccoon Press offices, the hospital. Not open world, but far more open then the original title.

-Nemesis was created in real life to be able to be scanned via photogrammetry.

-Mercenaries mode will not return, replaced by Project Resistance.

-The mutant worms are back.

-Carlos will be playable.

-There will not be the action choice mechanism as in the original, which could give different sequences of the game afterwards or an advantage over a danger.

-There will also be no more endings.

Francesco Suozzo
Francesco Suozzo
Appassionato di console sin da bambino, ha cominciato la sua carriera da videogiocatore con l'intramontabile PlayStation One e tanto tempo ci vorrà prima di attaccare il DualShock al muro. Predilige con maestria quasi tutti i generi videoludici, eccezion fatta per i puzzle game. Ha un debole per JRPG e RPG ed è un malato di Final Fantasy e Metal Gear Solid.


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