Come da titolo, Hideo Kojima ha rilasciato delle nuove informazioni riguardante Death Strading, nuova IP attualmente in sviluppo.
Durante il Tribeca Film Festival, Kojima ha parlato di Death Stranding!
Le informazioni rilasciate da Hideo Kojima arrivano direttamente da ResetEra, dove un utente ha avuto modo di assistere alla conferenza;
- Kojima reiterates that Death Stranding is an open world action game, but emphasizes that it will bring something new to the genre.
- He uses the internet as a metaphor to say that connection will be a big theme. The player will be alone, there is solitude, but they’ll be trying to connect.
- In both the gameplay and story, “connection” will be key. Everyone will be connected. Kojima is visibly enthusiastic about this.
- He can’t say much more because Sony will be mad: “I don’t want to be disconnected from Sony!”
- Kojima adds that to connect is the same as disconnecting in a way; is connecting correct? Is it better to disconnect? Wants players to think about this theme in their own lives and in the world (mentions dating and European politics as examples).
- It’s difficult to tell a story in an open world game because you have to balance player freedom, freedom of movement, with the narrative. If you want to know more about the story you do have to go in a certain direction, but he wants players to feel like they are making the choice.
- Kojima talks about working with Hollywood actors. He can create 100% of what he wants with mere CG, but then he is limited by what is in his head. Real actors can surprise him with added depth. He can’t go back to not using motion capture.
- Norman Reedus says that players will cry when playing the game. You will get emotionally invested.
- Kojima says he wants to create games until he dies.
- Kojima says we might see more of the game in a month or so. Maybe.